
Action Needed: 20K More Signatures to Convince Congress to Stop Wasting Food

As one of the richest nations in the industrialized word, the U.S. wastes an estimated 40% of all food. If we reduced that number by just 15% we could feed half of the nearly 50 million Americans, 15 million of them children that go hungry every single day. Landmark legislation was recently introduced to combat hunger and reduce food waste, but it needs help getting Congress’ attention.

Just How Many Garbage Patches are There in Our Oceans? See for Yourself

Our oceans not only provide ample food for us when they are in peak condition, but they sustain life on this planet. In a visual representation experiment of the garbage patches around the world’s oceans, we can see just how seriously we’ve affected our oceans through Big Ag practices, littering, corporate disregard, and additional environmentally unfriendly practices which affect Mother Nature’s ‘womb.’

5 Surprising Ways to Use Recycled ‘Garbage’ for a Better Organic Garden

Growing your own organic food is extremely gratifying, but adding recycling to the mix is like winning the lottery two days in a row. When you mix the self-sustaining practice of growing your own food with the environmentally supporting habit of recycling, you are helping the world two-fold, and you get some tasty offerings in the process.
Here are 5 ways to incorporate recycling into your gardening habit: