Transition Town Movement

School Education During Transition Times

Introduction: The Transition Towns Movement In the year 2005, our capitalist societies saw the inception of a movement called ‘Transition Towns’. This is a grassroots network of communities that are working to build resilience in response to Peak Oil, climate change, food insecurity and economic instability. ‘Transition Towns’ is a catchphrase for environmental and social movements founded upon the principles[Read More...]

 An Aspirational Vision of Life After Fossil Fuels

What will life be like after peak oil, in an age of major climate shifts? Hollywood movies often depict it as a bleak, dystopian world where each day is a struggle to survive after every system we depend on has been stripped away. Unfortunately, that version of the story seems to be on track so far. Despite mounting scientific consensus on[Read More...]

10 Years of Transition Network: The Early Days

As Transition Network turns 10, Rob Hopkins looks back to when it all began… This month represents the 10th anniversary of the founding of Transition Network.  That’s Transition Network the organisation you understand, not the network of Transition groups which the organisation was set up to support.  We thought that as we begin this anniversary month, it might be good[Read More...]