Transgender Studies

LGBT Classes Now Are Mandatory for Elementary School Children in California

These courses, which are mandatory, will begin with second-graders and continue throughout the educational experience. Text-book publishers are scrambling to include as many historical figures as possible about whom there has been LGBT speculation. [Continuous and focused speculation on this issue, especially when when presented in school and associated with historical figures, will encourage children to see LGBT as the new American role model.

UK: Children Must Take Sex​-​Ed Classes ​That Favorably Teach Gay and Transgender Issues​​

The Department of Education announced that all 5- to 16-year-old students will be required to take sex-ed classes that are "sensitive" to all sexualities and identities. Critics say that children are too young to understand adult sexual relationships such as homosexuality and transgenderism, so the "appropriate" understanding will be taught based on the social and ethical standards of government employees, including those who are gay and transgender. Input is invited from parents, but opposing views are not welcome.