
Correcting Some Common Libertarian Misconceptions (2011)

This is a lightly edited transcript of my speech “Correcting Some Common Libertarian Misconceptions,” delivered on May 28, 2011, at the Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, and podcast previously at KOL044 | “Correcting some Common Libertarian Misconceptions” (PFS 2011). The video and the powerpoint presentation are embedded below. Related: KOL 045 | […]

KOL253 | Berkeley Law Federalist Society: A Libertarian’s Case Against Intellectual Property

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 253. I spoke today on “A Libertarian’s Case Against Intellectual Property,” at the Federalist Society, University of Berkeley-California. It was well-organized and there was a perceptive and interesting critical commentary by Professor Talha Syed. This is the audio I recorded on my iPhone; video below; line-mic’d audio here. The youtube version […]

Trump Thinks Murdering Drug Addicts In The Streets Is An ‘Excellent’ Government Policy

(ANTIMEDIA) Philippines — On Wednesday — a day after it was leaked that during a phone call last month Donald Trump praised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for doing an “excellent job” with his country’s war on drugs — it was reported that the Southeast Asian leader is thinking of declaring full martial law in the name of fighting terrorism.

US rejects Putin’s offer of transcript of Trump-Lavrov meeting

The US political and media establishment has rejected and even ridiculed President Putin’s offer to Congress of the transcripts of the meeting in the Oval Office between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US President Donald Trump.
The prevailing response to the offer is that it was not intended seriously.  The tone was set by BBC journalist who speaking on British television claimed that in making the offer Putin was having, and was just trolling the US, and that there is “no possibility” of the US accepting a transcript written on “Kremlin notepaper”.

Key Highlights And Full Text Of Trump’s Address To Congress

While the full Trump speech transcript is below, for those curious only in the key economic/trade excerpt, it is laid out below:
My economic team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. We must create a level playing field for American companies and workers.

Flashback 2012: Alex Jones knew that Alan Watt outed him as a fearmonger and a NWO agent

I listened to this April 17, 2012 Alan Watt interview in 2012, and the one thing that struck me was Watt’s overwhelmingly pessimistic tone, which made me question his overall intentions, after listening to him on the show for several years, and starting to question some of the things he said. In a rare moment […]

KOL058 | Guest on Gene Basler Show: Anarcho-capitalist issues (2010)

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 058. I appeared on the Gene Basler Show (May 30, 2010), discussing a variety of anarcho-libertarian matters–environmentalism, nuclear power, state propaganda in government schools, class action lawsuits, reparations, how to achieve an anarcho-libertarian society, animal rights, positive rights and obligations, forced heirship, and so on (an edited transcript to appear […]