
Post-Modernism, Fake ART & Aesthetic Theory – Jay Dyer on COTEL 20k Stream

I join COTEL and others for a chat on his 20k stream that ends up focusing on aesthetics and how the true, the good and the beautiful are objective categories. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access […]

Bahnsen / Stein Debate Review & Analysis – Jay Dyer

Today we do a full analysis of the greatest debate of the 2oth century – the Bahnsen/Stein Debate. Hopefully we will cover the many misunderstandings that arise from various sectors concerning the transcendental argument, the nature of proofs and evidences, the compatibility of philosophy with Orthodoxy, and especially this form of argumentation, the word-concept fallacy, calvinism and much more. Part 2 of the other talk will be up later tomorrow or the day after.


Does God Exist? DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor – PARTS 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Robert’s Channel PraxGirl is here. 

The knock down secret argument of praxeologist Robert Taylor is here to stump me! I invited him on to let him set up the challenge that it’s logically impossible for there to be a God. I haven’t heard his argument but he issued a challenge and we will see what he brings to the table.

Bertrand Russell Genocidal Maniac: The Scientific Outlook (Half) – Jay Dyer

My undergraduate and graduate work focused on a large degree of philosophy of science and analytics. Russell is an example of reductionistic, naturalistic determinism and the “evolutionary” process of societies toward a single new world order government where life is regulated from womb to tomb by cybernetics and mass genetic control and experimentation, as well as the extermination of much of the population. Russell was a fraud and a propagandist, not a philosopher.

Trump, Post-Modernism, Paradigms & Debating Worldviews

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his piece “Why I’m Finally Converted to Pro-Trump.” We talk about how Donald Trump’s election may represent a genuine challenge to globalism and to the entire Enlightenment mythos. Later we discuss Jay’s lecture on Seraphim Rose’s prophetic work Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future – a book published in 1970s that was critical of the New Age, Eastern mysticism, Illuminism, globalism and called out alien/UFO phenomenon as a psy-op.