Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared

If you look for provisions in the TPP that actually afford new benefits to users, rather than to large, rights-holding corporations, you will look in vain. The TPP is the archetype of an agreement that exists only for the benefit of the entitled, politically powerfully lobbyists who have pushed it through to completion over the last eight years.
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‘Bride of Frankenfood’ Hillary Clinton Suddenly Opposes Biotech’s Favorite Bill: The TPP

It must have been looking rough at the polls. In some strange reversal of opinion, Hillary Clinton, recently named the ‘Bride of Frankenfood’ for her vocal and open support of GMOs and the biotech industry, has suddenly changed her tune. Now, Clinton says she opposes a bill known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), one which she so fervently stood for in recent months. Why the sudden change over the TPP, Hillary?

The Terrorism Pretext: Mass Surveillance is About Money and Power

By Bill Blunden | CounterPunch | July 20, 2015 “We are under pressure from the Treasury to justify our budget, and commercial espionage is one way of making a direct contribution to the nation’s balance of payments” – Sir Colin McColl, former MI6 Chief For years public figures have condemned cyber espionage committed against the […]

Senate Passes TPP ‘Fast-Tracking’ That Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal

It is a sad day in the fight against Monsanto, GMO labeling, and the future of the planet. The Senate has adopted a law that would give ‘fast-track’ ability for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a highly secretive bill that could restrict GMO labeling in the United States and abroad. In fact, some legal experts believe it could make GMO labeling completely illegal.

Obama Using Nike to Sell TPP; Does Nike Have Access to TPP Drafts?

In this video, "Gap" is a proxy for the whole industry, including Nike. To learn about the problem with subcontractors, start watching at Gaius PubliusNike is ground zero for "made in Asia" shoe apparel. President Obama is ground zero for "let's send more jobs to Asia and claim the opposite." I'm not sure it benefits either to put the two together.

Progressives Are Not Alone — 87% of Republicans Oppose Fast Track

How the Tea Party sees Fast Track (source)by Gaius PubliusIn covering the TPP battle between President Obama and the CEO class on the one side, and most of the rest of the country on the other, I've noted that the Tea Party right is as opposed as the "professional" left. (My own TPP coverage is collected here.)Now comes more evidence of that.