traditional values

Britain’s Passive Surrender to a Woke Minority Risks Everything We Cherish

Through a combination of fear and indifference, our most important cultural institutions are allowing themselves to be bullied by woke activists into destroying themselves, writes Nick Timothy.
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What does Black Lives Matter REALLY stand for?

For those who may be equivocating about Black Lives Matter and the Antifa riots and demonstrations, a very interesting point came to out attention today. Someone went and actually looked and read the BLM website to find out what they themselves say they are all about. My priest was told about this, and he told me, so I went and had a look, myself.
What follows is taken directly from this page:

Liberals ensure own extinction due to what they promote [Video]

If you are a conservative Christian and you feel run down by the relentless onslaught of liberals and their looniness on your TV, in your music, in your children’s classrooms, in their public school restrooms…
If you feel like the whole world is going gay and condemning you for not supporting this “progress in love”, if you seem to be the only sober individual staying in your hotel, whilst the other guests all reek of marijuana, especially in celebration of April 20 at 4:20 PM (or is it AM, or which time zone is it supposed to be, man?)…

The Pences: defenders of Christian values in the White House

A companion article noted that Christian believers in the US are seeking to help stand for those Christians in far off lands who are being martyred and persecuted for their faith at the hands of ISIS and other cruel religious and secular forces. But we also noted that this problem is extremely fierce in the Western “Christian” world, but the attacks try to bring Christian life to irrelevance and “shame it out of existence.”
An example of this in action came from, carrying a news piece from AFP. Here is that piece; we have added emphases to focus on our point:

Twitter CEO apologizes for eating at CHICK-FIL-A

Anyone who has ever eaten at Chik-Fil-A knows why they do so. The food is great, always served with a smile and graciousness, and the atmosphere is very high quality. But, it’s a CHRISTIAN company and so, all these great qualities just don’t matter to activist liberals.
They went after Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey after he posted these comments on his own social network: