
Protestantism Refuted: Justification by Faith Alone? Seraphim + Jay Dyer (Half)

 Seraphim Hamilton joins me to cover the exegetical questions around justification by faith alone, his debate with a recent reformed Calvinist, the issue of historical theology and created grace, Trent and the counter-reformation, the Augustinian problem (for Protestants – St. Augustine was not a Calvinist!) and the cosmic theology of Orthodox Ecumenical Councils, which […]

The rise of militias in America signals a return to its roots [Video]

Dr. Steve Turley created a masterpiece here. He details the rise of American citizen soldier units, called “militias” as they have come to take a vital role in the life of many Americans. These people, often former police officers or military servicemen and women, are taking up arms to protect their communities against lawlessness. Their […]

Deformation: A Response to Calvinism Vs. Orthodoxy: Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn, Sam Shamoun

 YouTuber “Vocab Malone” has launched a series of basic Calvinist attacks on Orthodoxy the past few weeks based on overly simplistic and misrepresentations of our position.  We will be responding on Sam Shamoun’s channel with Fr Dcn Ananias to show the reformation was in fact a deformation and the bad-willed approach of Malone is […]

Facebook wants you to report extremists in your friends and family [Video]

What is an extremist? These days, this term is becoming rather subjective. For the Democrat in 2021, extremists include: Trump supporters Dedicated and serious Christian believers Proponents of traditional family structures and values Conservatives For the Conservative / Republican in the same period, some of us might consider these people and groups extremists: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez […]

IRS Christian bashing Redux in the days of Sleepy Joe [Video]

The IRS is at it again. Remember back in the bad old days of Obama, how the IRS delayed granting tax-exempt status to pro-Christian-value, conservative or Christian organizations? Remember how there was an investigation that found that the IRS was discriminating against such people? It looks like the IRS thinks you forgot, and they are […]

American pushback against Woke liberals on the increase [Video]

Conservatives are different than Liberals. They are not just different in ideological viewpoints but they are fundamentally psychologically different in makeup. Liberals are reactionary activists, shouters, demanding to be heard, quick to anger or outrage, and quick to act to produce radical “change” which is itself really not much change at all, but just noise […]

Microsoft vs Indian Farmers: Agri-Stacking the System

In April, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers. The MoU seems to be part of the AgriStack policy initiative, which involves the roll out of ‘disruptive’ technologies and digital databases in the agricultural sector. Based on press reports […]