
The Golden Age of Bullshit

A new band out of Los Angeles called PartyBaby recently released their excellent pop-punk debut album, the title of which perfectly captures the time we’re living through: The Golden Age of Bullshit. On the cover three or four teens scamper through a splashing surf. There’s lots of laughter and frivolity. It’s just an innocent day at the beach. But behind them, a mushroom cloud erupts out of the deep water. The teens are oblivious.

Agriculture: Trade Wars and Food Wars

The concentration and centralization of the agro-business multi-nationals advances with gigantic strides:  Potash Corp and Agrium have combined into a $30 billion monopoly over the world fertilizer market.  Dow Chemical and DuPont combine in a $130 billion dollar deal in the seed and agricultural chemicals sector.  ChemChina prepares to take over Syngenta in a $44 billion acquisition.  Bayer is preparing to buy out Monsanto for $56 billion and further concentrate control over worldwide seed and chemical markets.  A quarter of a trillion dollars worth of mergers and acquisitions is poised to

The Empire Paradox: More Power is More Weakness

In response to my recent article on US imperial wars some people objected to my characterisation of the US empire. I wrote: “In global terms the US has never been more powerful” and some were quick to point out that the US empire is very weak. To those people I want to say that we are both right, but the weaknesses of the US empire do not generally affect its functioning. One day these weakness will become very, very important, but we cannot predict when that will be.

Reported Death Of TTIP – An Abhorrent Political Deception

By Graham Vanbergen | TruePublica | September 9, 2016 The global mainstream media have loudly hailed the stunning success of the peoples uprising against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP in the light of its demise. In the last few years protests broke out all over Europe as the unelected bureaucrats steamed ahead […]

Congress Is Back In Session Today: Does Paul Ryan Have A #BetterWay To Shut Down The Government?

Congress is back in town and the first thing up is an intractable Republican-created controversy that, thankfully, doesn't involve-- at least not so far-- El Trumpanzee! Instead of rushing to fund the president's Zika proposals, like they should have a year ago, the GOP immediately started bickering about shutting down the government.