toxicity of Donald Trump

If You Were Running For Congress Would You Want Trump Coming To Your District To Campaign?

Bad campaign messageThe albatross is on the way! Republican incumbents got some really bad news Friday evening on Hannity's show. Down deep, Trump knows he's really bad at being president. He would never admit it but he knows the 38% job approval is silly. It should be 8%, not 38%. He's terrible at his job. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Gubernatorial Contests-- starting With Today's GOP Runoff In Georgia-- Are Swinging Towards The Democrats

Whether you see it as a blue wave or just as an ordinary cyclical anti-red wave, it looks like the current anti-Trump environment is going to lead to more Democratic governors after the midterms. Before we get into that, though, let me just mention that today is Republican primary runoff day in Georgia.

Trump's Favorability Has Dropped In Every Single State-- And That Will Hurt Republicans In November

Trump is underwater-- and so is his party-- especially in swing statesWe were all aware that Señor Trumpanzee’s net approval rating-- the percentage of people who approve of the president minus the percentage who disapprove-- has declined nationally since January 2017 but what's a little surprising is that

The End Of The Road For Dave Brat?

The Democratic establishment was happy, happy in far right extremist Dave Brat's 7th congressional district in Virginia. There was a fairly evenly matched race between two moderates-- at DWT, when we use the word "moderate," we mean moderate, not conservative the way the Beltway media uses it. Both Democrats, ex-CIA agent Abigail Spanberger and marine Daniel Ward, raised around $900,000, just as Brat had.

New Polls In Florida, Ohio, New Jersey And Arizona Show Trump Is Toxic Enough To Flip Congress

Voters do NOT want Trump enablers and rubber stampsThe Democrats have some really weak-- even repulsive-- candidates. But it may not matter. Kyrsten Sinema, for example, is literally the worst Democrat in the House. Chair of the Blue Dogs, her ProgressivePunch crucial vote score is a dismal 35.44, the lowest "F" of any Democrat. But Schumer recognized a kindred spirit and gave her the nomination.

A Virtuous Cycle: Trump Toxicity And Anti-Trump Turnout

Digby's tweet was so strong and to the point yesterday; every word completely precise-- like a Joni Mitchell song. "God he's dumb. Malevolent too. And psychologically unfit. But really, really dumb. I can't think of anyone in history with this particular combination. We just don't have a roadmap to deal with a very stupid, dishonest, narcissistic demagogue.

Is Florida Salvageable For The Democrats In November-- One Democrat In Particular

Bill Nelson will be 76 in SeptemberThere are no guarantees in electoral politics, but right now the smart bet would be that the Democrats win a majority in the House, maybe even substantial majority. The Senate is a lot tougher. Winning back the Senate, means that the Democrats keep all the red state seats that Trump won that they hold and pick up 2 more, bringing their caucus to 51 and redicinging the Republicans' down to 49.