toxicity of Donald Trump

The Democrats Have A Not So Secret Weapon For The Midterms: Señor Trumpanzee

Do Americans like being lied to? Over a third apparently don't mind-- or are incapable of discerning a consistent pattern of lying-- when the liar is the authoritarian daddy-figure they craze. When the Washington Post first started their project to measure how many lies Trump tells per day, "he averaged 4.9 claims a day.

How Badly Will Trump Hurt The GOP In November? They Deserve The Worst

Over the weekend, the New York Times published an OpEd by Peter Wehner, The Full-Spectrum Corruption of Donald Trump. "There’s never been any confusion about the character defects of Donald Trump," Wehner, a former Reagan and Bush staffer and senior fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center began.

Top GOP Donor/Crackpot Defeated Hours After Trump Endorses Him

Yesterday's kiss of death-- in Wyoming!The two states that bought into Trump's bullshit the most fully in 2016 were West Virginia and Wyoming-- 68.5% of West Virginia voters and 67.4% of Wyoming voters. Both are big coal mining states. Hillary did worse in Wyoming-- 21.63%-- than anywhere else. Teton was the only county in the state she won-- and none of the others were close.

We Have To Vote For Every Democrat Running For The House (Except Debbie Wasserman Schultz) Because... Trump

I'm color-blind. I literally can't even tell red from green. Jacquie has been working with Jamie, Blue America's web designer, on a new lay-out. They cc me on the endless discussions of endless minutiae, even shades of colors that I can't see. It's been going on for weeks and weeks. The other day I mistakenly thought they had the final design done and replied that "it looks great," which it did.

Trump Wants Kobach-- Establishment Republicans Want Cold Compresses

I woke up yesterday and took a look at look at a funny little post in Axios by Jonathan Swan, "Behind the scenes: Trump's power politics," about Señor Trumpanzee big-footing all over the GOP midterms. He always has to make them all about him-- even when that is a detriment. The first segment was about screwed up the OH-12 race. "Trump," wrote Swan, "thinks it's fun to have a stake in these elections, according to sources familiar with his thinking.