toxicity of Donald Trump

Can The Democrats Win Back The Senate Next Year?

Dan McCarthy, a right-wing Arizona Republican skincare company executive who is challenging Martha McSally for her Senate seat next year, told a Phoenix radio audience this week that "the Washington DC establishment, Mitch McConnell... the swamp creatures of Washington, DC-- they've given us two choices, McSally or Kelly. I'm a conservative outsider. I've been looking at this for a little while and I said, 'I'm not so sure if that's acceptable to me; I'd don't know if the status quo's OK...

How Many Republican Politicians Are Ready To Lose Their Seats To Support Behavior By Trump They Hate?

A few days ago, the Cook Report published a piece by Amy Walter about the 2020 prospects of a Blue Wall, basically that "the 'easiest' or least risky electoral path for the Democratic nominee in 2020 is to reconstruct the so-called 'Blue Wall' in the industrial midwest. If the Democratic nominee wins every state Hillary Clinton carried in 2016, plus Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, that Democrat would win 278 electoral votes-- eight more than the 270 needed to win.

Doug LaMalfa Has To Start Thinking About His Constituents Instead Of Continuing To Enable Trump's Whims-- A Guest Post By Audrey Denney

-by Audrey Denney,Candidate for Congress, CA-01I spent the last year traveling around beautiful California District 1. I had the privilege to sit in coffee shops, on farms and in community centers with the good people who live here. One of the most common concerns I heard from people across the political spectrum was that Congressman Doug LaMalfa does not effectively do his job of representing the real people of our communities. Two days ago, we saw that exemplified. Rep.

Who's To Blame When Parties Really Get Out Of Hand?

This morning, ABC News and the Washington Post released a new national poll that should serve as a warning for congressional Republicans: voters blame them (and Trump of course) for the shutdown and are very much not buying the national emergency bullshit. And by a wide enough margin to signal it could be electorally relevant. In short, "53% say Trump and the Republicans are mainly at fault, and 29% blame the Democrats in Congress.