toxicity of Donald Trump

As Trump Becomes Increasingly Toxic Among Independent Voters, GOP Incumbents Will Feel The Pressure To Separate Themselves From Trump

Mark Amodei (R-NV) desperately wants to change the backdropLately, Eli Stokols has been doing some excellent reporting for the virtually moribund L.A. Times. I hope it's enough to save the paper from oblivion. It looks like nothing will save the GOP from oblivion, though-- at least not in the short term.

Will Matt Bevin Be The First Victim Of Ukraine-Gate? Just How Toxic Is Señor Trumpanzee?

One of Trump's closest allies, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin faces the voters in 6 weeks. He's in a fight for his political life and being attached to Trump at the hip might not save him. The most recent poll shows Democrat Andy Beshear beating him by 9 points-- 48-39% in one of the reddest states in the country.

What We Learned From Tuesday Night's NC-09 Results-- The Democrats Have At Least 22 Seats They Should Win Relatively Easily

Trump's approval rating is sinking in every poll published. He's below 40% and dropping-- and a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News yesterday shows every plausible Democrat beating him in 2020. He's likely to be a deadly drag on the Republican ticket all down the ballot.

Trump Is Destroying Dozens Of Republican Incumbents' Ability To Win This Cycle

Air Force One by Nancy OhanianIncumbents usually win reelection. It's rare when they don't. Last cycle showed what happens to incumbents when they are viewed by their constituents as enablers of a disliked president. And if Trump was disliked by voters in 2018, he is positively loathed by voters this year. Last year Republicans lost 42 seats, including 30 incumbents.

Trump's Toxicity Coming Home To Roost For 2020 GOP Candidates

Unless he does something worse than he's already been doing, history won't have much to say about Trump other than he was the worst American president ever, that he gained the office illegitimately and that he presided over a corrupt and failed administration. But there are many with a vested interest-- including the media that recognizes what he is and hates him-- in normalizing him as though he were just another president.

BREAKING: Trump Wins Again-- One Of His Supporters Slaughters 20 Brown People In Texas

A few hours ago Washington Post reporters Hannah Knowles, Morgan Krakow and Michael Rosenwald wrote that "Multiple people were shot and killed at a Walmart and nearby mall in El Paso on Saturday afternoon, sending shoppers racing for cover in a chaotic scene that prompted a massive police and medical response, local authorities and govern

Every Republican In Congress Deserves Trump-- Weaponizing His Own Toxicity Against Them

Erik Paulsen is a mainstream conservative who won his suburban Twin Cities seat (MN-03) in 2008 when Jim Ramstadt resigned. Previously Paulsen had served as the majority leader of the Minnesota House of Representatives. Although the 2008 race was tough-- Paulsen beating Democrat Ashwin Madia 48.5% to 40.9%-- he sailed through his reelection bids... until he got on the wrong side of Señor Trumpanzee.

North Carolina-- Mucho Importante

Thom Tillis is WAY too scared to ever criticize Trump againThere will be a huge focus on North Carolina next year. First of all it's a swing state that Obama won in 2008 and where Trump is underwater in polling now (-3 according to the June Morning Consult update). There's virtually no path to victory for Trump without North Carolina's 15 electoral votes.