toxicity of Donald Trump

Trump Knows What He Knows-- Orders His Pathetic Surrogates To Suspend All Thinking 'Til November

Were you laughing when Trump whined it was inappropriate for surrogate and Adelson-nominee for Trumpish running-mate Newt Gingrich to defend Judge Gonzalo Curiel against Trump's bizarre racist onslaught? The Newtster responded by suggesting Trump might ride into the GOP convention on an elephant but later reversed himself entirely and said, "Trump's complaints about the judge... are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized justice." Huh? How did that happen?Well...

Primary Day: Trump Takes On The Koch Brothers, Club For Growth And The Tea Partry

We've been focused on today's congressional primaries in races in California, New Jersey and Iowa, where Blue America is backing 9 candidates in competitive races: Lou Vince, Nanette Barragan, Bao Nguyen, Bill Ostrander, Alex Law, Jim Keady and Pat Murphy. But there are also primaries for House seats in South Dakota New Mexico, Montana and North Carolina. Many of the races in these states are not competitive.