toxicity of Donald Trump

How Many Republican Congressional Careers Can Trumpy The Clown Kill By November?

I don't expect we'll see many ads as blatantly anti-Trump from Republican incumbents as the one above from Mark Kirk's campaign. I suppose he's gambling that any Trump die-hards who are so outraged by it that they won't vote for him, will be more than made up for by Illinois' independents. I don't think Trump has responded yet. Maybe no one has mentioned it to him or even told him Mark Kirk is a Republican senator.Trump knows Rubio, though. And it must infuriate him that Rubio is being negative about him again-- even if he's finally stopped making fun of Trump's deformed penis.

Trump's Name Is Even Too Toxic For Azerbaijan, One Of The World's Most Corrupt Nations

I just got back from my first visit to Azerbaijan. I never expected to find such a wonderful place but it reminded me of a wealthier and more modern/Western Turkey. It's a little smaller than Maine and a little bigger than South Carolina with just over ten million inhabitants, more than New Jersey or Michigan and just about the same number as North Carolina.

Ken Burns' Must Watch Speech, The Speech Of The Week-- And It's Only Monday

Film maker Ken Burns, who chronicles American history and culture, called out Trump, Trumpism and his enablers during a commencement speech at Stanford Sunday, referring to the Republican presidential nominee as "a charlatan, a naked emperor, a bullying, infantile man" without once uttering Trump's ugly name.

Old Cuban Saying About The GOP: "Show Me Who Your Friends Are And I Will Tell You Who You Are"

Lindsey Graham faced up to the reality of Trump's victory over the GOP and urged Florida millionaires he met with just over a week ago to back the party's bizarre nominee. Then came the crazy reaction to Judge Curiel and ole Lindsey faced up to a different kind of reality-- a GOP Dunkirk this fall.