toxicity of Donald Trump

How Harshly Will Voters Deal With The GOP Because Of Trump?

Yesterday, Joe Scarborough said he thinks Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan need to withdraw their endorsements of Trumpy-the-Clown and tell their members to do likewise. "He's so self consumed, it's just breathtaking... You've got to cut him loose." Watch that video up top of the segment; it's pretty remarkable for a center-right show like Morning Joe.

Is It Fair To Label Trump A Racist?

The Woody Guthrie song above, "Old Man Trump" was written in the early 1950s when Woody Guthrie was renting an apartment from Trump's notoriously racist father Fred in the Beach Haven neighborhood of Brooklyn, not far from where I grew up and where my first girlfriend, Doreen, lived. It paints an accurate picture of the bigoted milieu Little Donald-- who has started unambiguously that "my legacy has its roots in my father’s legacy"-- grew up in.

Bernie And RBG Went To My School-- Imagine If Trumpy The Clown Had Gone To Yours!

Chuck Schumer, Norm Coleman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Bernie Sanders all went to my high school. I' feel a sense of pride that I'm somehow related to Ginsburg and Sanders-- shame that I'm related to Schumer and Coleman. My college's alumni weren't as distinguished: Dr. Laura, Joy Behar and pat Benatar...

GOP Coming Apart At The Seams? Just A Little Trump Bonus

As anyone could have easily predicted, Trump is ripping open the seams that bind the Republican Party together. Friday, Mark Winslow, "a member of the Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee says he's resigning his position, blasting state party leaders and questioning the direction of the Tennessee Republican Party on his way out.