toxicity of Donald Trump

GOP Finger-Pointing Has Already Begun In Ernest-- Over Two Weeks Before Their Debacle At The Polls!

Keith Olbermann: "It has long been anticipated that the runaway train quality of the Trump campaign would eventually claim as its collateral damage all or most of the GOP and its leaders... To the Republican leaders I ask again, when will you disavow this anti-democratic demagogue? When will you defund him? When will you deny him?

How Toxic Will Trump Prove For Republican Candidates Nov. 8?

If I'm right about people being fed up with the negativity and sheer dysfunction of the Republican Party, there really will be a wave in three weeks, nothing affirming about the almost-as-bad Democrats, but one that should send the GOP reeling. The party bosses will blame Trump-- and the media and Democrats who "forced him" on their party-- but the rejection I see coming is not just about Trump; it's about the Republican Party itself.

Who Knows How To Fight Trumpism? Ruben Kihuen And Carol Shea-Porter Sure Do

Yesterday afternoon we talked a little about the congressional race in central Nevada (NV-04) pitting progressive state Senator Ruben Kihuen against freshman sociopath and Trump fanatic Cresent Hardy. Today one thing has changed about Hardy. He's still a freshman and a far right sociopath... but he's suddenly no longer a Trump fanatic.

Are You Ready To Say Goodbye To Darrell Issa?

Doug Applegate, unlike his opponent, wasn't stealing cars when he was in the militaryCalifornia, as you probably know by now, has an open-- or jungle-- primary. All candidates, regardless of party, are on the same ballot and the two top vote-getters-- also regardless of party-- go on to the general election in November. Most of the top candidates the DCCC was pushing against Republican incumbents did pretty poorly.