toxicity of Donald Trump

GA-06 Special Election Is 3 Weeks From Today-- And Ossoff Leads Either GOP Front-Runner

DEADLY for GOP candidatesThe first round of voting to replace Trump's HHS Secretary Tom Price-- the man who bears a great deal of responsibility for TrumpCare-- is exactly 3 weeks from today, April 18. Georgia's 6th congressional district isn't a district the DCCC ever looks at. They never recruit candidates there and never back local Democrats who run-- NEVER (like in not ever).

Are The Republicans Ready To Just Call It Quits And Let Trumpcare Die A Quick Death?

On Thursday Bernie Sanders was on CNN with Wolf Blitzer for a wide-ranging interview and you can watch it in it's entirety above. I just want to focus on one question-- which you'll notice Bernie bringing up on his own-- the Ryan-Pence-Price repeal of Obamacare to replace it with some shitty non-starter called Trumpcare.

Can A Democrat Win In GA-06? Let's Look At Lindsey Graham's Clemson Town Hall

Minutes ago CNN released a new poll showing 45% of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job and 52% disapprove. 65% of Americans feel there is a need for an independent special prosecutor to be appointed to get to the bottom of Putin-Gate and 32% feel the Republican-controlled is capable of handling it. There is no state or even regional breakdown, so we don't know how people feel about Trump and Putin-Gate in either up-country South Carolina or in the Atlanta suburbs.

Tonight Democrats Won Control Of the Delaware State Senate-- Thanks Señor Trumpanzee

Stephanie Hansen beats Pepe in DelawareMost election-junkies were glued to the DNC race today. But there was another election going on as well, a special election for a state Senate seat in Delaware. This one pit New Castle County ex-Council President Stephanie Hansen (D) against John Marino (R). Libertarian Joseph Lansendorfer was also running for the seat previously held by newly inaugurated Lt. Gov.

Trump's Crazy Extremist Candidate Loses In Kansas GOP Contest For Open House Seat

EstesWith Koch Bros. Congressman Mike Pompeo now ensconced at the CIA, there's an April 11th special election to fill his KS-04 seat, a blood red (R+14) district that takes up the south-central part of the state and is centered on Sedgwick County (Wichita). In 2008, McCain won the district with 59% and 4 years later Romney won it with 62%. This past November, Trump beat Hillary in the district, 60.2% to 33.0%.

Tom McClintock Represents A Largely Rural, Blood Red District In Northern California-- But Trump's Stink Is Sticking To Him Already

California's 4th Congressional district is a sprawling, mostly empty area east of Sacramento. Most of the people live in a tiny corner of the district in the suburbs north of Sacramento, a triangle encompassed by Roseville, Placerville and Auburn. There are 10 counties but almost 90% of the voters live in suburban Placer and El Dorado counties. The largely rural district includes Yosemite Valley, most of Lake Tahoe and lots of national forests, national wildernesses, national parks and more senior citizens than most California districts.

Stopping Trump By Winning Back The House In 2018-- One Of The Possible Paths

How many suburban congressman besides Issa will live to regret backing Trump?I have a part-time job-- congressional recruiting. It's voluntary and it's GRUELING. In between the time I wrote "congressional" and "recruiting" in the last sentence, I had a 30 minute conversation with a top recruit for a swing district. He's run before. He hates the DCCC. Everyone I talk to hates the DCCC. The DCCC screwed him over.