toxicity of Donald Trump

Trump Will Be Toxic For Republicans In 2018-- But This Sunday His Endorsement Will Help Sink French Fascist Marine Le Pen

This weekend French voters will chose between a drab establishment centrist, Emmanuel Macron (their version of Hillary, only with less accomplishments) and neo-fascist leader Marine Le Pen, politically the French Trump, although probably not as ignorant as the New York version. So Obama endorsed Macron (video above).Needless to say, Trump (and Putin) have both let it be known that they prefer Le Pen.

Republicans Who Worried Trump Would Wreck Their Party Were Even More Correct Than They Feared

Last night, in a deep red Georgia congressional district, progressive Democrat Jon Ossoff scored 48.1% in an open multi-party primary to replace right-wing Trumpist Tom Price-- 10 points better than the last Democrat who ran for that seat. The Republicans were all over the map and the top 3 GOP candidates combined only came to 39.4%. The Democrat was polling at around 43% on Friday across several polls but then Trump weighed in and Ossoff gained 5 points. Too bad Trump didn't weigh in sooner!

With Trump's Base Starting To Get Restless, Republican Congressional Incumbents Are Staring Into The Face Of Mortality

On Thursday Alex Isenstadt looked into the idea that Trump's base is starting to turn on him. He reported for Politico that some of them are "losing the faith... 'We expect him to keep his word, and right now he’s not keeping his word,’ says one campaign supporter." The racists and bigots who catapulted him into the White House are getting restless.

Special Election Reports: Kansas And Georgia... Referendums On Trump

Tuesday-- in 2 days-- is the first of the special elections to replace the members of Congress Trump drafted into his Regime. In this case it's for the Wichita-based seat that was held by Koch Brothers-owned Mike Pompeo. The seat is hopelessly red. Hopelessly. Kansas state Treasurer Ron Estes will face off against progressive Democrat Jim Thompson, who beat the Republican-lite candidate, Dennis McKinney, to become the Democratic nominee. He's been endorsed by OurRevolution.