toxicity of Donald Trump

Is Trump More Insane Or More Dishonest? Will Voters Care In 2018?

At one time MSNBC's Morning Joe seemed to be Trump's favorite TV show. He was a guest numerous times and even bandied about the idea of naming Joe Scarborough his vice president, And remember when he asked Scarborough's co-host and fiancé, Mika Brzezinski, to come visit transition headquarters in Trumpanzee Tower? Thursday morning, before Comey's testimony at the Senate Intelligence Committee, Brzezinski speculated what many Americans fear, that Trump is "mentally ill." On the air yesterday she said "I think he's such a narcissist, it's possible that he is mentally ill in a way.

Even More Hated Than Trump?

Have you heard "Tin Foil Hat" by Todd Rundgren and Donald Fagen yet? That's it above-- a beautifully-produced homage to Señor Trumpanzee's manifest unfitness for office, on Rundgren's new collaboration album, White Knight. Rundgren, who a couple of weeks ago warned Trump fans to avoid his shows because they will find them offensive, said that "Tim Foil Hat" was driven by his and Fagen's "common frustration with what happened in the recent election."

Not Even Impeaching Trump Would Save The House Republicans From Angry Voters

I've never been a big fan of Nate Silver's or his brand of research. But sometimes-- like this time-- he hits the nail right on the head. His point last week is that conventional wisdom about the solidity of Trump's core support is incorrect and that Trump's base is already looking shaky and starting to shrink.

Election Day-- Today... In Montana

Today's the day. A quarter million people have already voted in Montana but whatever analysis of that available shows that neither side has any advantage so far in the early voting. [For comparison's sake-- even if it's an apples-to-oranges comparison-- the June 6 special election in CA-34 has had 14,820 early votes and the expected total for the entire race is between 40 and 45,000.] This is going to be close and it's totally about getting out the vote. So, if you're in Montana, or you know anyone in Montana...