toxicity of Donald Trump

The Republican Party's 2018 Albatross: Donald J. Trump

Like Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) is retiring from Congress. Easy enough for them to warn the country about the unmitigated disaster unfolding in real time in the Oval Office. Republicans running in 2018 are too scared to. Dent spoke with Katie Tur on MSNBC Monday: "We’ve had a lot of these 'the emperor has no clothes' moments and I’m glad that Sen. Corker has brought voice to this. We are concerned.

Why Centrism Absolutely Sucks

You probably didn't hear Ann Coulter ranting and raving on Howie Carr's Hate Talk radio show Wednesday. She still trusts in what she calls Trumpism... but not so much in Señor Trumpanzee. She still wants to see him impeached. "If we're not gettin' a wall, we may as well have an attractive, dignified Republican there. We'll get better Supreme Court justices under Pence.

Trumpy-The-Clown Does Phoenix

The McConnell-controlled Senate Leadership Fund welcomed Señor Trumpanzee to the Arizona Republican Senate primary with the ad about Trump's candidate against Jeff Flake above. According to some eye-popping reporting from the NY Times by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin. McConnell and Trump aren't speaking to each other any longer and, in fact, ended their last conversation by screaming and cursing at each other. And that was followed up by a close McConnell aide threatening Trump with impeachment!

What Happened In Iowa's Special Election Yesterday?

Yep, in Iowa tooThe good news Tuesday night was that Democrat Phil Miller beat Republican Travis Harris for a state House seat that includes Van Buren County, most of Jefferson County and a bit of Davis County (House District 82). The special election was called after Democrat Curt Hanson died in June. It's considered a swing district with 6,611 registered Republicans, 6,257 registered Democrats and 5,738 voters without partisan affiliation.

Bernie And Morning Joe-- A Meeting Of The Minds?

On Thursday morning, Bernie was a guest of the newly not-Republican-anymore Joe Scarborough on MSNBC. "It's not just his temperament and it's not just his stupid tweets," he told Joe and Mika. "Do not forget for a second that the policies that the policies that he is proposing are the most destructive policies being proposed in our lifetimes. This legislation that he is urging Congress to pass would throw 23 million Americans off of health insurance.

Which Republicans Stand Up To Trump The Most? And Which House Democrats Vote Most Frequently For The Trump Agenda?

Henry Cuellar, Trump's most devoted Democratic supporter in CongressThe team of statistician-types over at FiveThirtyEight have put together an essential page called Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump and they keep updating it. The track how often each member of Congress votes with and against Trump. You can look at all the scores at the link just above.