toxicity of Donald Trump

For Congressional Republicans Trump Created The Ultimate Rock And A Hard Place

Yesterday, a prominent Democratic campaign manager read the post about the Democratic win in Missouri Tuesday and said, relieved, "so I guess there's a wave coming after all." Only people in a state of delusion, I told him, think otherwise. That state legislative seat that flipped from red to blue, was a district that Trump won by around 28 points.

Everyone Agrees That Trump "Is Not Fit To Clean Toilets In The Obama Library"-- What Does The Alabama Election Tell Us About The Midterms?

Alabama's 4th congressional district-- it's whitest and most Appalachian district-- seat of dull right-wing backbencher Robert Aderholt, is likely to disappear after the next census. It's easily the reddest and most politically and socially backward part of Alabama-- cutting clear across the state from Mississippi (east of Tupelo) to Georgia northwest of Rome.

In A Wave Election Cycle, Republicans Are Preparing To Wave Goodbye To Congress-- And Hello To K Street

The DCCC brain surgeons are starting to figure out that PVIs don't count as much in wave elections and that this cycle there really are no safe Republican seats. Any seat where the Democrats + independents make up 50% + one of potential voters, is up for grabs. People are pissed off-- pissed off about Trump, pissed off about Putin, pissed off about Ryan's Tax Scam, pissed off about how the Republicans treat women (and children), pissed off...

Who's More Damaging To GOP Candidates-- Trump, Ryan, McConnell Or Moore?

The other day, in talking about the immense value to Randy Bryce the Bernie Sanders endorsement was. I mentioned in passing how toxic most political endorsements are. No Democrats want endorsements from party leaders like Pelosi, Hoyer, Crowley or Wasserman Schultz. And in Republicanville, who would want an endorsement from, for example, Paul Ryan?

Too Late For Republican Elected Officials To Batten Down The Hatches And Ride Out The Storm

Republican politicians who are disgusted with Trump and want to distance themselves from him and from Bannon and from that whole neo-fascist wing of the party. Maybe be heartened to see Trump's favorability ratings continue to crater. But, unfortunately for them, what they're seeing, primarily, are independents being turned off to Trump, not Republicans. It's his party now and it will be so into the foreseeable future-- at least until 2020.

Remember when Trump Hated The “Carried Interest” Loophole? That Was Before He Started Making Deals With Paul Ryan

On Monday, Tony Fabrizio, the pollster for the Trump campaign, said he believes Bernie would have won against Trump. "I think Sanders would have had the ability to reach a lot of the less than college-educated, low-income white voters." The new survey PPP released yesterday found "a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump"-- 49% in favor, 41% opposed. "Trump’s approval rating has declined by a net 7 points in the last month.