toxicity of Donald Trump

Have All The Voters Made Up Their Minds Already? How About In Florida And Wisconsin?

Tsunami by Nancy OhanianRight now Blue America is trying to figure out which voters to target in several congressional races around the country where we plan to advertise. Normally, we try to reach persuadable voters and leave turning out the base to others. This year I've never seen so few persuadable voters. Because of Trump, almost everyone seems to have made up their minds.

Trump Campaign Faces Reality And Gives Up On Arizona

2020's kiss of death in ArizonaArizona has been a deep red state for a long time. The only statewide Democrat-- Kyrsten Simena, elected in 2018-- isn't a Democrat by any other standard except that she has a "D" next to her name. By any metric, she's the worst Democrat in the Senate, with a more Republican voting record than Doug Jones (AL) and Joe Manchin (WV), who represent far redder states.

Figuring Out Who To Vote For Down-Ballot-- Let's Look at PA-01, Bucks County

The New Dems don't just endorse anyone who asks them for an endorsement and they don't sell endorsements as part of a protection racket the way certain other caucuses do. They vet their candidates very carefully and if they detect any fiscal progressive streak-- BOOM!-- it's over. The New Dems are the dominant part of Congress' Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

No, Not "Both Parties" Fault-- The Blame From The Entire Financial Crisis Millions Of Americans are Facing is Only The Republicans' Fault-- 100%

In his interview with Stuart Stevens published yesterday by the New Yorker-- on the occasion of the release of his new book, It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump-- Isaac Chotiner asked the former GOP political operative (and now, Lincoln Project #NeverTrumpers), how he came to see that the Republican Party wasn't polluted by Trump but that the Republican Party was polluted by itself.