
THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE! – New Jay Dyer Mini-Doc

Programming and entrainment through mass public ceremonies is not new, but could have even achieved in such a degraded form in our day through decades of planning, as well as the planned counter-culture revolution of the 1960s. These decades prepared us for a new AEON, now being ushered in through greater and greater levels of degradation. Mass public ritual ceremonies are one of the chief ways we are initiated into this spiritual state: From the Beatles to Ariana Grande, we are being indoctrinated.

Chemicals in Cosmetics, Other Products Tied to Early Puberty in Girls

It has become increasingly clear in recent years that exposure to numerous chemicals used in our daily lives can have a significant impact on human development. One recent study shows that chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products such as soaps and shampoos may push early puberty in girls. [1]
The study suggests that prenatal exposure to these chemicals is primarily to blame.

Crucial Report: Experts Call for a Ban on Organophosphate Pesticides

An expert panel of toxicologists is calling for an entire class of pesticides to be banned because they threaten the health of both pregnant women and children.
The paper, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, states that exposure to organophosphates (OPs) increases the risk of lower IQs, memory and attention deficits, and autism for prenatal children.

Glyphosate Herbicide Found in Popular Breakfast Foods Yet Again

Forgive me for sounding like a broken record, because if you’re a regular reader, then you’ve heard this one before on numerous occasions. But … trace amounts of the glyphosate herbicide have been detected in popular breakfast cereals yet again. This time, the testing was done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). [1]

Journal Expresses Concern over Papers Calling Glyphosate Herbicide ‘Safe’

In a rare move, a scientific journal has issued an “Expression of Concern” and has requested corrections from the authors behind a group of papers that concluded glyphosate is safe. [1]
On September 26, the editor-in-chief and publisher of Critical Reviews in Toxicology said that 5 articles which appeared in the journal’s 2016 supplemental issue failed to adequately disclose ties to the agribusiness giant Monsanto (now Bayer), the maker of the herbicide Roundup, which contains the chemical glyphosate.
They said:

Scientists Link Honeybee Deaths to Glyphosate in New Study

Glyphosate, the highly controversial weed-killing chemical found in the popular Roundup herbicide, is harming honeybee populations around the world, a new study shows.
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin say glyphosate is making honeybees more susceptible to infection and death.
The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Study: BPA-Free Plastics are Not as Safe as They Seem

Bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical found in plastics that mimics the female hormone estrogen in the body, has been banned in baby bottles, sippy cups, and the lining of cans of formula since 2012 due to public outcry and toxicity research. Since then, ‘safer’ BPA alternatives have been used in products, but a new study adds onto growing evidence showing that BPA-free alternatives may not be as safe as consumers think.
In the study, BPA alternatives not only decreased sperm counts in mice, but the decrease led to less-viable eggs.

What Baby Teeth may Tell Researchers About Autism

Researchers are constantly studying and learning more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but they have yet to be able to pinpoint specific causes. The origins of the disorder seem to be based in genetics and environmental factors. Now a study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health and Sciences (NIEHS) seems to suggest that exposure to heavy metals could be one of the environmental triggers of autism. [1]