total surveillance

Crimes Caught On Camera

Although we are right to be concerned about the growth of the surveillance state, there is a positive upside to it. Not only is Big Brother watching us, but we are watching Big Brother, and sometimes when Big Brother isn’t watching us, other people are, something which can help take dangerous predators off the street. […]

Police State China, Police State…Everywhere

China is a police state, surely everyone knows that. Leaving aside the fact that over the past thirty and more years its Government has raised the standard of living of most of its population massively. Hordes of Westerners are now living and working in China, doing everything from teaching English to industrial management. But, and this is a big but, a fattened slave is still a slave. China censors the Internet, and people who fall foul of the law for any trivial reason soon wish they hadn’t. How bad is China?

NEW MONEY: The Greatest Wealth Creating Event In History — Review

This is a propaganda film that might have been made at the behest of the Chinese Government on account of the glowing portrait it paints of the mega-city Shenzhen. Having said that, most of this propaganda is justified. Since the death of Mao in 1988, successive Chinese administrations have lifted literally hundreds of millions of their people out of poverty.