
Analysis: Schrödinger’s Brexit

With only weeks to go to Brexit’s target date, there is deadlock in the British parliament, recriminations on both sides, and, writes Russell Merryman, a growing realisation that what was promised might be impossible to deliver.
Anti-Brexit sentiment is growing as the deadline for Article 50 approaches [MERRYMAN]
We’ve all heard of the thought experiment involving a cat and a piece of radioactive material locked together in a box, the decaying material could, at any moment, give off an atomic particle which would kill the cat.

Downfall of Theresa May approaches, as UK enters political meltdown (Video)

As if the resignations of David Davis, Steve Baker and Boris Johnson were not enough of a headache for the troubled UK Prime Minister, a new poll shows that the British public is turing sharply against Prime Minster Theresa May on her Brexit negotiation debacle.
This was the inevitable outcome when May decided to turn her back on a democratically elected mandate to leave the EU, and instead deceptively try to negotiate a back door association agreement with Brussels.

Peter Hitchens on Britian’s Attitude Towards Russia and The Salisbury Poisoning

What is behind the UK and US fearmongering campaign against Russia? The UK and its leader Theresa May have told the world that the Kremlin is responsible for the Salisbury event, and the British and US press seem to have automatically fallen in line with the official government conspiracy theory. Is there more than just classic NATO geopolitics involved, or is it about economics? Is there a clear answer?

(VIDEO) Grenfell Tower Protesters Storm Kensington Town Hall in London

The death toll from the Grenfell Tower fire in West London continues to rise, as authorities are now indicating the number of residents burned alive may be at least 60 now, as more bodies were found in the stairwells of the high rise. This is not including some of the top floor flats which have yet to be forensically investigated. 
Apparently, Prime Minister Theresa May did try to meet with residents, victims and community leaders, but the visit came to an abrupt end as angry protests chased the prime minister’s car as May made a hasty escape from an irate mob.

Grenfell Tower: A Tory Wicker Man ?

IMAGE: Grenfell Tower in West London, pictured along side the Wicker Man.
21st Century Wire

The week saw one of the worst urban disasters in recent history, as runaway fires consumed a low-income high-rise council estate in the London borough of Kensington and Chelsea. So far, police have confirmed 17 dead and have indicated that they expect to find many more fatalities.

Brexit or Remain, the UK referendum is changing the country

On a recent visit to Paris almost everyone I met asked me the same question: “Are you British insane? Are you really going to vote to leave the European Union?”
Based on the most recent polls, despite the deep scepticism of those same surveys after the last General Election, I could only answer: “It looks that way.”
Cue disbelieving looks, gasps and snorts of Gallic derision, often followed by the words: “You can always come and live here.”