Toronto Star

Roméo Dallaire and the Toronto Star’s distortion of Rwanda’s tragedy

By Yves Engler · April 11, 2019 The Toronto Star should get its facts straight and stop distorting Rwanda’s tragedy. A day after the 25th anniversary of when two Hutu presidents were blown out of the sky, the Star’s editorial board published “There’s  no excuse for ignoring lessons of Rwanda’s genocide”. It claims, “on Jan. […]

My “Editor’s Pick” comment on the Toronto Star article on U.S. open-carry rallies

From the June 3, 2014 Toronto Star article, NRA criticizes ‘open carry’ gun rallies as ‘downright weird’, my comment was chosen as an “Editor’s Pick”: FauxCapitalist American gun culture is not supposed to make sense to anyone else, and that’s because our country was never born in violent revolution, we have nothing like their Second […]

Canada’s largest newspaper false frames sick note debate

From the January 8, 2014 article, Bosses shouldn’t ask sick workers for doctor’s note: OMA, in Canada’s largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, they falsely frame the sick note debate. This is typical of the corporate-controlled mass media. On one hand, we have the Ontario Medical Association president making the valid point: ““First of all, you […]