
10 of the Filthiest Items in Your Home

Between flushing the toilet and spitting in the sink, it’s a given that your bathroom is crawling with germs. But you might be surprised to know that your toilet isn’t the most contaminated thing in your home.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a little sick after you look at this list of the most bacteria-, mold- and yeast-prone places and items in your house.

10 Uses for Tea Tree Oil for Your Health and House

Americans are scooping up bottles of essential oils, lured by their amazing scents, household uses, and health benefits. They’re natural medicines that are highly concentrated, which means they last forever (depending on how often you use them, of course) because – as the saying goes – “a little dab’ll do ya.”
Preppers love essential oils because they know that if society were to crumble and picking up Tylenol at the drugstore wasn’t an option, essential oils would be there to often save the day.

​Should You Get Excited About a Toothbrush that Can Alert You to Disease?

Would you like to have your tooth brush warn you that you’re about to come down with a disease such as Alzheimer’s or cancer? Technologists have created tiny microchips known as nanopore sequencers that can analyze human DNA strands as they pass through a tiny hole thinner than a human hair on a microchip, and are decoded into a digital reading.