Tony Schwartz

Trump And The Banality Of Evil

Annie Karni reported at the NY Times today that another bunch of #NeverTrump Republicans-- this one led by Bill Kristof, Sarah Longwell and former Jeb Bush top aide Tim Miller-- has started a well-funded campaign against Trump, pushing a perspective on Republicans that basically tells them to hold their noses and vote for Biden. The campaign is being run under the ad hoc Republican Voters Against Trump committee.

Can Someone Be Intentionally Deceitful And Deluded At The Same Time? Absolutely-- And Putin Put Him In The White House

Frank Schwartz knows Trump far more intimately than almost anyone writing about him-- and he detests him. It's always worthwhile hearing what he has to say about the orange-hued baboon. But while Schwartz was on CNN, Bob Woodward, of Fear fame, was doing his first TV interview since the book came out with CBS News' David Martin. It's impossible to imagine you're following the Trump saga without watching it.

Ever Hear Of The Amyntor Group? It's Part Of Whitefish, Montana's Quest For World Dominance

That 4 and a half minute video about VEEP was kind of meta and theoretical. This 25 second one from the show gets right down to it; you kind of have to if you only have 25 seconds, right? But, by all means, watch them both; it's Friday night after all.So... you thought the corrupt Debbie Wasserman Schultz version of private prisons was bad? How about an Erik Prince version? They both President Selina Meyer look vaguely appealing-- or relatively appealing anyway.

Is Trump Honest And Trustworthy? Most Americans Say NO-- And Most Say Fox Is The Top Source Of Fake News

Trumpanzee-- no brain surgeon-- was at least smart enough to always know he was too intellectually limited (and perhaps aware that he is deteriorating mentally too fast) to actually be a real president in anything but name. And that was fine with him. When he offered Kasich the vice-presidency, Kasich was told he would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policies, while Señor T would just be in charge of Making America Great Again.

Will Trump's Handlers Successfully Persuade Him Not To Throw His Spaghetti On The Wall Before The Debate Ends?

Trump likes to reassure his dumbell fans that he's in the fraternity of top business leaders. But he's a joke in the business world and, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out Friday, not a single Fortune 100 CEO is backing him, or at least not contributing to his campaign.

Does America Need A More Authoritarian President?

Early yesterday-- just after midnight-- Señor Trumpanzee had one of his notorious Twitter freakouts, this one about Tony Schwartz, the guy who virtually lived with him "day and night for 18 months" and then wrote Art of the Deal and allowed El Trumpanzee to take co-author's credit despite the fact that he was the subject of the book, not the author of even one word of it. Trump's tantrum (below) was a reaction to Schwartz's appearance on Anderson Cooper's CNN show (above).