Tony Cartalucci

BBC Reveal Secret Chinese Plot to ‘Build Schools’ in Xinjiang, While Ignoring Saudi Importing Wahhabism

BBC claiming satellite images of new schools in Xinjiang prove malice  on the part of Chinese government.
Tony Cartalucci
21st Century Wire
China’s recent building-spree of schools in its underdeveloped and remote region of Xinjiang – in a saner world – would be good news. But for editors at the BBC it is being depicted as sinister and dystopian.

Europe Has No Freedom But to Choose ‘Freedom Gas’

Tony Cartalucci
21st Century Wire

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently renamed US liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports “freedom gas.” But freedom for who? For Europe who already has a cheap and reliable source of natural gas, but is being forced to switch over to more expensive US gas under the threat of sanctions? Certainly not.