Tom Guild

Very Rich Slavers Have Been Paying Off Trump And Congressional Conservatives For The Right To Use Slavery In The U.S. Again

In the video above, you can see our friends at Cuéntame calling out corrupt hypocrite Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her scandalous role in the prison-for-profit system. Cuéntame wanted to know why Wasserman Schultz, then head of the DNC was "siding with the Corrections Corporation of America and not her constituents in Southwest Ranches?

The Bane Of Trump's Existence: Fact Checks, Especially On His Economic Claims

It's hardly news any longer that Trump lies his ass off every time he opens his pie hole. Everyone-- really, everyone-- knows Trump is a liar. The only difference between us and them is that we object and they don't care. I don't know who that tweet up top was supposed to impress. Maybe the unhinged orange orangutan himself.

Pick A Side: Joe Lieberman Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Conservatives want members of Congress to look like the mug on the right, never like the young woman on the leftConnecticut Democratic primary voters basically kicked Joe Lieberman out of the party by denying him the 2006 Democratic nomination for the Senate seat he had held since 1994. He ran on the Connecticut for Lieberman Party that year.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Trumpiest Of Them All?

Do we need more like this in Congress?Georgia is lousy with white Trumpists-- especially outside the Atlanta Metro, where Hillary did even better than Obama had. Trump won the state's 16 electoral votes 2,089,104 (51.05%) to 1,877,963 (45.89%). Even during the Republican primary, Trump won every single one of Georgia's 159 counties except 4 in the Atlanta Metro plus Clarke County (Athens), all of which were won by Rubio.

Big Surprise! Reactionaries Don't Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Odd how the establishment is perfectly fine with this, but rails hysterically against OcasioThe attacks against Alexandria Ocasio are coming in hot and heavy from a very freaked out establishment worried that their power is being challenged my someone with two much color, two few years, two little fealty to "the system" and too wedded to ideas that, if enacted, would do far more than Trump even meant about draining any swamps.