Tom Cotton

The Koch Billions' Toxic Effect On American Democracy

Last week we talked about how Republicans were unleashing a barrage of attack ads against weak conservative Democrats, like John Barrow, for voting with Republicans. Democrats who crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans to cut Social Security benefits for retired people are now being bombarded with ads-- that are true, regardless of the disingenuous source-- pointing out that they are the enemies of working people.

How Arkansas Extremist Tom Cotton Pissed Off Top Chef Tom Colicchio

With Steve Israel's policy of never targeting GOP leaders, policy makers and committee chairman keeping the DCCC out of the MN-02 race that pits progressive Mike Obermueller against reactionary incumbent John Kline-- chair of the powerful and destructive House Committee of Education and the Workforce-- Blue America was over the moon that Bill Maher has stepped into the breach.

Normal People Have No Choice In The Ugly Arkansas Senate Race

Right-wing extremist Tom Cotton (r) with his lovely, blushing beard, AnnaMark Pryor is way too conservative for my tastes. According to ProgressivePunch his 62.82 crucial vote score for the 2013-14 session marks him as the 2nd most conservative Senate Democrat, slightly better than Joe Manchin (D-WV) and slightly worse than Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN).

Something Stirring In Arkansas-- Besides Just More Republican Party Sedition?

James Lee WittArkansas freshman Rep. Tom Cotton is one of the most radical right extremists in the House and is considered a major mover-and-shaker in the GOP sabotage of the U.S. government and the American economy. When you hear talk about radicals unwilling to compromise and who are willing to drive the economy right over the cliff, Cotton is foremost among them.

Virtually The Entire House Financial Services Committee Should Be Indicted For Bribery

For much of the year we've been talking about the corruption that, to a great extent, defines the New Dems in Congress and pointing specifically to the bad apples among them that managed to get onto the House Financial Services Committee, one of the principal conduits of bribery cash from the Wall Street banksters to Congress.