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Lights, Camera, Cancelled! 10 Movies that were never made because the US government didn’t like them

By Tom Secker | RT | February 8, 2021 Hundreds of movies are never made but not all of them are nixed by the US government because it disapproves of their message. Here are 10 films that the ‘land of the free’ never let see the light of day. J. Edgar Hoover wasn’t partial to Federal […]

Biden’s Iran policy is just Trump’s Iran policy with a rainbow flag emoji

By Caitlin Johnstone | February 8, 2021 The new administration in Washington is pursuing exactly the same approach towards Tehran as its predecessor, only now with added media cover because it’s their guy enforcing civilian-killing sanctions, not the Bad Orange Man. In a new interview with CBS Evening News, President Biden confirmed that his administration will not […]

Pharma War on Public Health

By Stephen Lendman | February 8, 2021 Big Pharma prioritizes maximum profits no matter the cost to human health they’re indifferent toward. They spend billions of dollars advertising their products annually — heavily on television, influencing naive consumers, unaware of risks to human health powerful drugs pose. Pharma does what it pleases because lobbyists representing […]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Pens Encyclopedic Account Of Bill Gates’ ‘Neo-Feudalism’

By Steve Watson | Summit News | February 8, 2021 Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, has penned a comprehensive account of Bill Gates’ attempt to monopolise and dominate global food production, labelling it “a dark form of philanthrocapitalism based on […]

Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments

By James Bovard | AIER | February 6, 2021 The Biden administration just issued an edict that will spur endless pointless conflicts for Americans seeking to peacefully enjoy hundreds of national parks. On Groundhog Day, the National Park Service (NPS) mandated wearing face masks on all National Park Service lands “when physical distancing cannot be […]

Joe Biden and the Revenge of the Behaviorists (Why Statistical Thinking Can Get You Killed)

By Matthew Ehret | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 3, 2021 As the spirit of patriotism and belief in scientific and technological progress was slowly suffocated throughout the Cold War, the governing class that Russell represented sunk its talons into civilization ever more deeply. Ninety years ago, Bertrand Russell wrote a book entitled The Scientific Outlook. […]

The WWI Conspiracy

Corbett • 11/19/2018 Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4 What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike. But as we shall see, this confusion is not a happenstance of history but […]

Shafting The Poor

By Willis Eschenbach | Watts Up With That? | February 5, 2021 Let me start with a couple of the most callous and heartless quotes that I know of. Here’s a description from Politico of the first one: President Barack Obama’s Energy secretary unwittingly created a durable GOP talking point in September 2008 when he […]