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Perspectives on the Pandemic | “Blood Clots and Beyond” | Episode 15

Journeyman Pictures | April 16, 2021 In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled […]

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | May 3, 2021 The U.S. government, in its pursuit of so-called monsters, has itself become a monster. This is not a new development, nor is it a revelation. This is a government that has in recent decades unleashed untold horrors upon the world—including […]

A Vaxxing Question

By Suzie Halewood | OffGuardian | May 3, 2021 In 1956 German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal GmbH, licensed a new experimental drug designed to treat colds, flu, nausea and morning sickness. Known as Distaval in the UK, Distillers Biochemicals Ltd declared the drug could ‘be given with complete safety to pregnant women and nursing mothers […]

80 Groups Blast US Interference in Mexico’s Phaseout of Glyphosate and GM Corn

By Jessica Corbett | Common Dreams | April 29, 2021 A coalition of 80 U.S. agricultural, consumer, environmental, public health, and worker groups sent a letter Thursday to key figures in the Biden administration calling for them to “respect Mexico’s sovereignty and refrain from interfering with its right to enact health-protective policies” — specifically, the […]

Hancock has blood on his hands – Shocking rise in expectant mothers who’ve lost their baby after having the Covid Vaccine

THE DAILY EXPOSE • APRIL 29, 2021 A tragic milestone has been surpassed as the effects of the mass roll-out of an experimental vaccine continue to devastate the lives of those who “get the jab, when they get the call”. It is with sadness that we have to report that over 100 women have now […]

Doctors are Paid Massive Bonuses from a Health Insurance Company for Vaccinating Babies

By Alex Pietrowski – Waking Times – August 8, 2017 Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for […]

US/Western War on Public Health

By Stephen Lendman | April 30, 2021 The US healthcare industry is misnamed — what more accurately should be called a sickness industry. Hostile to health Pharma profits from sickness. Immunization News accused the industry of waging “chemical warfare on humanity.” Deaths from prescription drugs far exceed numbers from global hot wars. Over two-thirds of […]