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CNN’s Cooper Accuses Rand Paul Of ‘Disrespecting Medical Science’ For Questioning Fauci

By Steve Watson | Summit News | May 12, 2021 Following another confrontation between Senator Rand Paul and White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci Tuesday, during which Paul questioned Fauci about his extensive ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, CNN’s Anderson Cooper declared that Paul should “have more respect at least for medical science.” In a […]

The human fingerprints all over the virus

By Neville Hodgkinson | Conservative Woman | May 10, 2021 COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers (and their allies in mainstream science and government) have so far failed to acknowledge evidence from adverse event reporting schemes that their products are killing and injuring thousands. They say that apart from ‘extremely rare’ allergic reactions – to which they have reluctantly […]

Incredible TEDx Talk on Viral Issue Realities, Short Excerpt here!

Ivor Cummins | May 9, 2021 Okay this is one to share big time! A stunningly insightful Psychiatry expert absolutely nails it on the realities of Lockdowns! Dr. Mikle Eades’ excellent summary of the Stupid People here: https://www.proteinpower.com/basic-la…​ See the full talk here – it’s brilliant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43J7h…​ Description from above link: Why are we obsessed […]

Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?

By F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook – 11.05.2021 Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically-modified or “gene edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in development […]

Second Stage Terror Wars

By Edward Curtin | May 11, 2021 “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director, Feb. 1981 It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks. The […]

CDC Rigs COVID Counting System To Prop Up Vax Lies

WhatsHerFace | May 9, 2021 The CDC will soon be changing how they record covid-19 breakthrough cases. With this change, breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals will no longer be recorded unless the infection results in hospitalization or death. As expected, this change is happening at a time when thousands of breakthrough cases are being reported […]

Agent Orange complaint against multinationals including Monsanto and Dow Chemical rejected by French court

RT | May 10, 2021 A Paris court has rejected a 2014 complaint brought against 14 companies involved in the production and sale of Agent Orange to the US during the Vietnam War, declaring it does not have jurisdiction to rule over the matter. The lawsuit in the French court was filed by French-Vietnamese former […]

W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for ‘Crimes against Humanity’

THE DAILY EXPOSE • MAY 10, 2021 Nuremberg Trial 2.0 is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit supported by thousands of lawyers and medical professionals worldwide, led by the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum. In this respect, it is worth recalling that […]