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Re-Evaluating Mask Mandates Part II: Exposing the “Assumption-Led Claim”

By Masha Krylova | C2C Journal | June 25, 2021 This two-part review is not meant to cast doubt on the seriousness of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, but to hold up to scientific and logical scrutiny the dominant narrative that has frantically promoted mandatory face coverings for the general public as an effective means of protection […]

China and the Supply Chain: A Comment on the June 2021 White House Review

By James K. Galbraith – Institute for New Economic Thinking – June 23, 2021 In January 2013, the Obama White House released a White Paper on “National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security: Implementation Update.” It was a short document, only 22 pages, almost wholly focused on the security of transport – of ships, air freight, […]


Dr. Sam Bailey | June 22, 2021 The NZ medical authorities and mainstream media push their vaccine propaganda and continue to cry “misinformation” when serious concerns about the vaccine are raised. Some groups have declared the vaccine unfit for use in humans, but the authorities refuse to change their script… NZ Doctor Group: https://nzdsos.com/ Please […]

All Risk. Zero Benefit. 10 Reasons to Say No to the Jab for the Young

By Abir Ballan | Trial Site News | June 26, 2021 Here are 10 Reasons why children and young people should NOT get the COVID-19 vaccines: Children and young people have a mostly mild or asymptomatic presentation when infected with SARS-CoV-2. They are at near-zero risk of death from COVID-19. There is an unusually high rate of reported adverse events and deaths following […]

Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency

Privacy To Go | June 25, 2021 It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies. They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network. Their executive suite’s revolving door with DARPA is well known. In the wake of the January 6th Capitol event, the FBI used Google location data to […]

The Scientific And Ethical Dimensions Of ‘Human Augmentation’

Principia Scientific International | June 24, 2021 Human augmentation is becoming ‘state of the art – the pinnacle of mortal man’s accomplishments’ say the scientists serving the billionaire class turning us mere peons into robots. But is it ethical or legal? In the video below we get a flavor of what’s in store for us […]