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The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, the organization co-founded by Dr. Pierre Kory in response to COVID-19, has in my opinion been one of the greatest displays of humanity during this situation. Through their work, inexpensive protocols that both prevent and treat COVID-19 have been developed and taken up by countless doctors worldwide, and […]

Panic in the ICU: Pandemic Crisis or Seasonal Event?

By Dr. Ron Brown | Trial Site News | July 6, 2021  During the COVID-19 pandemic, sensational media headlines reported panic in hospitals and intensive care units as facilities were suddenly overloaded with patients. These reported events helped drive an urgent fear-based public health campaign during the pandemic. The following scenario of a typical hospital […]

NYC: Israeli-Trained NYPD Is Charging Pro Palestine Protesters with Bogus “Hate Crimes”

By Eric Striker | National Justice | July 8, 2021 The NYPD has a message for New Yorkers: don’t criticize Israel in their city. Last May, demonstrators took to the streets of New York to protest the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. They are now suffering selective prosecution at the hands of […]

The progressive civil war over Syria and Assad exposes an astonishing lack of intellectual curiosity by some on the American Left

By Scott Ritter | RT | July 7, 2021 Truth and politics are often mutually exclusive concepts when dealing with the progressive American Left. This unfortunate fact is being driven home in spades in an ongoing spat between two lefty online personalities. Anyone following Aaron Maté (149K followers on Twitter); The Young Turks (TYT, with 440K followers […]

Aid to Syria should go through the recognized government NOT Al Qaeda

Syria Solidarity Movement | July 6, 2021 The United Nations Charter mandates “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”. Turkey and the USA are in violation of this commitment as they occupy sections of northern and eastern Syria. In […]

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece | Perspectives on the Pandemic XVII

Perspectives on the Pandemic | July 1, 2021 Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies, New York University June 10, 2021 Dumbo, New York Interview by John Kirby Editing by Francis Karogodins Research by Evan Dominguez, Billy Clayton Miller “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government,” wrote Edward Bernays, the father of modern […]

Should people who have recovered from COVID take a vaccine?

By Marc Girardot | Trial Site News | July 6, 2021 Epidemiology1 , immunology2 and the clinical data3 all say a clear “No!”. There is no good reason to vaccinate the recovered. ________________________________________________________________________ A British friend, recovered from COVID, decided to get vaccinated despite being naturally immune. This is the email he recently sent me: “Marc I suffered […]