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Israeli military isolated Mohammad, 17, in solitary confinement for 35 days

Defence for Children Palestine | July 6, 2021 Israeli forces detained 17-year-old Palestinian teenager Mohammad in solitary confinement for 35 days in total for interrogation purposes. In this video, he describes his experience at the hands of the Israeli military and shares the lasting effects his time in solitary confinement have had on his mental […]

‘Nobody has died’: scandalous vaccine propaganda for NHS staff

By Niall McCrae | Unity News Network | July 8, 2021 Covid-19 vaccine propaganda is everywhere, and particularly shrill in the sanctified NHS. Reluctant care workers are given a chance to see the error of their thinking, through a teaching session attended with compliant colleagues. Take for example the webinar Vaccination Myth Busting Session for […]

How The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Has Eugenicist Parallels Today

By John O’Sullivan | Principia Scientific | July 8, 2021 “Only the vaccinated died” That is the lesson from the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918 which killed more people than died from bombs and bullets throughout the entire First World War (1914-18). Many lies and half truths have been spun about the deadly pandemic of […]