Timeless or most popular

France’s mandatory ‘health pass’ with government-issued QR codes is the start of a dystopian nightmare

A police officer checks a woman’s self-certified note for being out near the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2020. © THOMAS COEX / AFP By Rachel Marsden | RT | July 14, 2021 President Macron’s announcement that citizens must adhere to a Covid-19 vaccination schedule, or pay for nose-swab tests every 2-3 days … … Continue reading →

Twenty-year genetic trail behind Covid’s creation

By Neville Hodgkinson | The Conservative Woman | July 13, 2021 A 20-YEAR trail of patent applications concerning the virus responsible for Covid-19 proves it is neither new nor the result of a jump from animals to humans, an inquiry has been told. Instead, the patents show that a natural virus, harmless to humans, was … … Continue reading →

How Would You Prepare Your Former Self for the Age of Covid?

By Michael Curzon | Lockdown Sceptics | July 13, 2021 We are publishing an excellent comment today by reader Jimi Cazot that he wrote in response to a Telegraph article on the introduction of Covid vaccine passports. Jimi asks: “If you could go back 10 years and speak to your former self, what would you tell that unsuspecting […]

The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 6, 2021 In this group interview facilitated by Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D., four physicians from across Canada – emergency physician Dr. Chris Milburn, rural family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, general surgeon Dr. Francis Christian, and pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson – tell their stories of persecution at the hands of their governing bodies. Their only […]

Because no animal reservoir has been found for SARS-CoV-2, it cannot properly be termed a zoonosis.* Should we call it a labnosis? And what does that mean?

By Meryl Nass, MD | July 12, 2021 After a year and a half of seeking but not finding SARS-2 in any wildlife anywhere (apart from domesticated or zoo animals that appear to have caught it from humans) is it time to say, yes, it didn’t just escape from a lab. It was created, built, […]

Blinded with science

By Ivor Williams | The Conservative Woman | July 13, 2021 FEW MPs have a science background, which is why the government needs scientific advice. Sage, for instance: the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies provide scientific and technical advice to support government decision-makers during emergencies. Since early last year we have had a great deal of advice […]