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Where’s the Rage for Israel and NSO’s Pegasus the West Had for China’s Huawei?

By Morgan Artyukhina – Sputnik – 21.07.2021 Anger has swirled around the globe over revelations that Pegasus spyware created by Israeli software firm NSO Group has been used by governments to wiretap journalists and public figures. However, the fury is mild when compared to claims Beijing compelled Huawei to put a “backdoor” into its phones, […]

Obstetrician’s safety claims on Covid vaccine in pregnancy ‘were misleading and biased’

By Sally Beck | The Conservative Woman | July 21, 2021 THE UK Medical Freedom Alliance has sent an open letter to Dr Brenda Kelly, consultant obstetrician at Oxford University Hospitals, detailing ‘serious concerns’ about statements she made in videos on the hospitals’ website about Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy. The alliance, a group of medical professionals, scientists and […]

On The Battlefield of Misinformers, Dissenters & Staunch Stakeholders of the Almighty Narrative

By ErinKate Stair, MD, MPH | Trial Site News | July 19, 2021 Throughout the pandemic, I’ve worked as a public health analyst and have been part of several scientific communication initiatives dealing with how and what information is relayed to a particular audience. These include tasks like explaining how mRNA or viral vector-based vaccines […]

Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?

By Richard Smith | BMJ | July 5, 2021 Health research is based on trust. Health professionals and journal editors reading the results of a clinical trial assume that the trial happened and that the results were honestly reported. But about 20% of the time, said Ben Mol, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Monash […]

Should COVID-19 be a vaccine disease or a childhood disease?

By Christine S Benn & Professor Peter Aaby | BMJ | July 18, 2021 Dear Editor In the discussion regarding COVID-19 vaccination of children, several aspects seem to be missing. First, vaccination of children is based on a small Pfizer-sponsored phase 3 trial of 2260 adolescents randomized to BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine or saline. The resulting […]

The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to know

VaccineTruth | Trial Site News | July 17, 2021 On July 15, 2021, the US Surgeon General called COVID misinformation an “urgent threat.” The White House also is working with social media companies to ban medical disinformation. But what both Dr. Vivek Murthy and Press Secretary Jen Psaki neglect to say is that the biggest misinformation is coming from […]

‘Climate Change’ Charlatanism Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

By John O’Sullivan • The Pipeline • July 18, 2021 Professor Ole Humlum is a former Professor of Physical Geography at the University Centre in Svalbard, Norway, and Emeritus Professor of Physical Geography, University of Oslo, Norway. He specializes in reporting and analyzing annual changes in the climate. I wrote about the professor’s work just over a year ago on […]

Shocking leaked files once again expose BBC as insidious UK foreign policy tool

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | July 20, 2021 A newly released raft of government papers has revealed the British Broadcasting Corporation’s extensive involvement in spreading pro-London, pro-EU, and pro-NATO messaging across the Balkans. In February, classified documents revealed that BBC Media Action (BBCMA), the ‘charitable arm’ of the British state broadcaster, was embroiled in a number […]