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Was Lockdown Illegal?

By Noah Carl • The Daily Sceptic • July 27, 2021 There has been much debate among lawyers as to whether the various “non-pharmaceutical interventions” (i.e., lockdown measures) that have been imposed over the past year and a half are actually legal. In April of 2020, the barrister Francis Hoar wrote an article laying out the case for the illegality of […]

Who Watches The Watchmen? – Fauci’s “Noble Lie” Exposed

By Charles Rixey, MA, MBA | Prometheus Shrugged | July 22, 2021 More than 100K pages of FOIA documents referenced here have been condensed into 173 pages of the most relevant selections in my appendix Prometheus Shrugged. It was here, last February, that the role of Dr. Fauci in ongoing academic censorship of COVID’s origin was first […]

UK Media Report on ‘Iranian Secret Cyber Files’ Casts More Doubt Than Confidence

By Daria Bedenko – Sputnik – 27.07.2021 The authenticity of the alleged “Iranian secret cyber files” cited by Sky News, on how cyber attacks could be used against civilian infrastructure objects, is debatable, experts said, shortly after the UK media outlet published so-called ‘classified documents’ said to have been acquired from Iranian intelligence. According to […]

Controversial ivermectin researcher failed to report massive conflict of interest

By Peter Yim | Trial Site News | July 26, 2021 Susanna Naggie is leading a nation-wide study of ivermectin, ACTIV-6. She is also a member of the NIH panel that provided the current recommendation on the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 that is at odds with the view of leading physicians and experts in evidence-based medicine: “There are insufficient data […]

The New Normal: “Covert Moral Enhancement” for “coronavirus defectors”

Academic article suggests putting psycho-active drugs in the water supply to make people “co-operative” By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | August 14, 2020 Four days ago the Conversation – an “independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community” – published an article headlined: ‘Morality pills’ may be the US’s best shot at ending the […]

Big Tech and the Pandemic

Trial Site News | July 26, 2021 Some people were surprised when YouTube removed doctors’ videos on Ivermectin treatment, LinkedIn suspended a top mRNA researcher, and Twitter suspended @cov19treatments. Big Tech has been doing these things and worse since the beginning of the pandemic. Here, Big Tech means five companies: Google (especially Search, YouTube, and […]

Vaccine Lawsuit Filed: Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup

Exclusive Attorney Interview By Spiro Skouras | Activist Post | July 22, 2021 In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner who is a member of the legal team that recently filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The lawsuit is focused on the experimental Covid […]