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On Quebec and its “Vaccine Passport”

By Maximilian Forte | Zero Anthropology | August 5, 2021 Since the Government of Quebec under Premier François Legault decided to jump the gun today and announced the coming of “vaccine” certification on September 1st, possibly in response to the opposition’s demand for always harsher measures, I decided to post these extracts from my larger work earlier […]

Pentagon documents reveal DOD bullies forcing movie and TV producers to accept their ‘assistance’

By Tom Secker | RT | August 5, 2021 For the first time, the US military’s central office for dealing with Hollywood has re-leased internal reports on its operations, revealing how the Department of Defense strong-armed the industry to achieve its propaganda goals. The reports were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request and offer a rare […]

We utterly deplore this reckless vaccine rollout to children

By Kathy Gyngell | TCW Defending Freedom | August 4, 2021 THE Covid vaccine rollout is to be extended to 16- and 17-year-olds across the UK – 1.4million children – it was confirmed this afternoon. Injections of the experimental gene therapy will begin within weeks, after approval from the government’s chosen scientists. The many others from around […]

What do we want? South-facing windows!

By Ivor Williams | The Conservative Woman | August 2, 2021 YOU may have read recently that ‘Britain is failing to protect its vulnerable citizens. Thousands of preventable deaths could be triggered every year.’ You may have supposed that some road safety organisation was at it again, worried about silent electric cars. Or maybe it was the RNLI […]

US nuclear tests killed far more civilians than we knew

By Tim Fernholz | Quartz | December 21, 2017 When the US entered the nuclear age, it did so recklessly. New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons were far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000 American deaths from 1951 to 1973. The study, performed by University of Arizona […]