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“Imperfect Vaccines And The Evolution Of Pathogen Virulence”

By Bud Bromley | Principia Scientific | August 10, 2021 The medical and scientific community and the world have known for 20 years that vaccines which only treat symptoms without terminating the virus result in more infectious and dangerous disease and higher overall deaths. Abstract: … Here we show that vaccines designed to reduce pathogen […]

Forbes: “Forget About Peak Oil – We Haven’t Even Reached Peak Coal Yet”

By Eric Worrall | Watts Up With That? | August 8, 2021 Mainstream media is waking up that despite billions invested in renewable energy, oil and coal use are surging: Forget About Peak Oil – We Haven’t Even Reached Peak Coal Yet David Blackmon, Senior Contributor Energy Aug 2, 2021,09:18am EDT Despite all the heavy […]

“It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

By Addison Reeves | OffGuardian | August 7, 2021 It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed. It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s […]

The Panic Pandemic: How Media Fearmongering Led to ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship of Scientific Research

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | The Defender | August 5, 2021 Now that we’re more than a year into the pandemic, it’s crystal clear that the panic that ensued was unnecessary and the draconian measures put into place for public health were unwarranted and harmful. John Tierney, a former reporter for The New York Times, […]

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley

BY WHITNEY WEBB | UNLIMITED HANGOUT | JULY 24, 2020 This is Part II of the series “The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage” and focuses on Isabel Maxwell. Part I can be found here. In 1992, Israel’s government created the Yozma Program at the urging of Chief Scientist of Israel’s Ministry of Industry and Trade – Yigal Erlich – as […]

Fauci says, “Give me that and I’d be really happy” after just describing the characteristics of ivermectin!

By Meryl Nass, M.D. | August 6, 2021 Fauci is asked about his ideal drug for Covid. And he lists these characteristics as his “Optimal Profile:” a pill that blocks a viral function oral, not injected minimal drug-drug interactions use for 7–10 days low toxicity He points out you should: “take it early in the […]