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Washington’s Clueless Ambassadors: Damaging American Interests Is Their Legacy

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | August 12, 2021 Whenever one gets into discussions about the decline of America’s ability to positively influence developments around the world a number of issues tend to surface. First is the hubristic claim by successive presidents that the United States is somehow “exceptional” as a polity while […]

Australian MP George Christensen argued against lockdowns in parliament. Facebook just deleted it.

By Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net | August 12, 2021 Australian MP George Christensen’s anti-lockdown speech was removed by Facebook for violating the platform’s COVID-19 misinformation policy. Governments across Australia are inflicting extreme lockdowns on citizens, with the nation’s capital city, Canberra, going into strict lockdown in the last 24 hours after only one case of COVID-19 […]

Every woman of child-bearing age should read this warning on the Covid vaccines

By Neville Hodgkinson | TCW Defending Freedom | August 12, 2021 AN insight into the propaganda currently putting our world at risk of a Covid vaccine disaster was provided by a BBC News report yesterday, dismissing fears that the vaccines could harm fertility or cause miscarriages. The report especially criticises Dr Mike Yeadon, the former Pfizer senior researcher […]

Punishing Scapegoats

By Doug E. Steil | Aletho News | August 12, 2021 Two days ago Merkel and the Bavarian minister announced stringent new measures directed against those who refuse to get their clot shot. For the past few weeks specific media have been inciting hatred against this group, based on lies, more specifically implicit premises that […]

Joe Biden never mentioned ‘quarantine camps’ for Covid ‘high-risk’ individuals… but last year the CDC did

By Robert Bridge | RT | August 11, 2021 As a number of politicians push for ‘vaccine passports’ amid fears that a new brand of medical apartheid is coming, a re-surfaced CDC publication advocating internment camps for the ‘high-risk’ has some people fearing the worst. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]

Vaccine safety evidence

Vaccine Truth | July 20, 2021 We are not “anti-VAXers.” We were vaccinated because we believed we were being told the truth. Now we know better. Unfortunately, the current gene-based vaccines (all vaccines on the US market today) were rushed to market without proper testing. They are dangerous and appear to have killed over 30,000 […]

The five key Covid truths that could have saved us from self-destruction

By Neville Hodgkinson | TCW Defending Freedom | August 11, 2021 DOCTORS, lawyers and other patient advocates around the world are challenging the legality, ethics and scientific basis of the global drive to vaccinate the entire population, including children, against Covid-19. But even as they raise their voices, the intensity of censorship is increasing. The […]

Trust The Science!

Corbett • 08/10/2021 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed We are being told to trust the science. But what science? From which scientists? Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he explores the transparent lies of the “settled science” crowd and how those lies will increasingly be used to run our lives […]