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T-Cells Really Are The Superstars In Fighting COVID-19

British Medical Journal | Septmber 17, 2020 Thank you to Dr Doshi for raising the profile of T-cells. Incidentally, German researchers found that a staggering 81 percent of individuals had pre-existing T-cells that cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 epitopes [1]. This fits with modelling in May by Imperial College’s Professor Friston, a world authority in mathematical modelling […]


August 26, 2021 AWESOME interview conducted by Vaccine Choice Canada, August 21. Dr. David Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians must demand authorities investigate – potentially treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. To keep current with Dr. Martin’s work visit -Activate Humanity: https://www.activatehumanity.com/ Butterfly of the Week Sources: https://www.activatehumanity.com/posts/butterfly-sources Dr. David E.

“How Our Lives Could Soon Look”: The WEF Posts Yet Another Insane Dystopian Video

Vigilant Citizen | August 24, 2021 As you probably know, since 2020, this pandemic has poisoned the lives of billions of individuals across the world. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum (WEF) cannot contain its excitement. Indeed, this powerful, influential, elite-owned organization keeps posting bizarrely upbeat videos about the “advantages” and “opportunities” of COVID-19. For instance, […]

How to Use Blood Testing to Increase Your Resilience to COVID

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | August 29, 2021 In this interview, Thomas Lewis, Ph.D., and Dr. Michael Carter explain how biomarker panels can help you take control of your health by identifying underlying chronic infections that might be sabotaging your health. Lewis is a microbiologist with a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications from the Harvard […]

Media addiction to Covid-19 ‘fear porn’ is perpetuating a worsening cycle of societal damage worldwide

© REUTERS / Thilo Schmuelgen By Eva Bartlett | RT | August 28, 2021 Over the past year and a half, hysterical media reporting on matters Covid-19 has reduced some people to a fearful state of unquestioning compliance – including a great number of otherwise critically-thinking journalists. With screaming headlines in bold and large font […]

Some are horrified the Taliban seized biometric devices. The real scandal is the extent of US’ data collection.

US soldier scans an Afghan resident with an Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) during a mission © AFP / TAUSEEF MUSTAFA By Kit Klarenberg | RT | August 28, 2021 A huge amount of opprobrium was heaped on the Americans for allowing this sensitive data to fall ‘into the wrong hands’. However, surely a better […]


Watson Institute | August 2021 Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.313 trillion on the war, which includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Note that this total does not include funds that the United States government is obligated to spend on lifetime care for American veterans of this war, nor does it include […]