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The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics

By Glenn Greenwald | September 7, 2021 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) surprised even many of its harshest critics this week when it strongly defended coercive programs and other mandates from the state in the name of fighting COVID. “Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties,” its Twitter account announced, adding that “vaccine […]

Medical chiefs, take a stand! Tell the politicians you won’t give children jabs

By Patrick McGinnity | TCW Defending Freedom | September 8, 2021 As concern grows over the proposal to give children the Covid vaccine, this is an edited version of an open letter I have written to the Chief Medical Officers of the UK – Dr Chris Whitty (England) Dr Michael McBride (Northern Ireland), Dr Gregor Smith (Scotland) […]


Coronavirus Plushie | August 31, 2021 Dr. Peter McCullough’s zoom call with Voices for Freedom, condensed down from 1 hour 45 minutes to 30 minutes. I’ve also added other video footage, screenshots, etc. Now, more than ever, we really need to open as many eyes as possible to what’s going on, so please share this […]

Rand Paul & top Republicans demand Fauci’s firing as new docs show agency funded risky Covid studies in China

RT | September 8, 2021 Top White House Covid adviser Anthony Fauci is facing calls to resign after newly released documents suggested his agency funded dangerous “gain-of-function” research in China, despite previous denials. Demands for the health adviser’s firing come after the Intercept obtained more than 900 pages of material related to coronavirus research funded by Fauci’s […]

Beijing concerned about NATO’s ‘China nuclear threat theory’

Press TV – September 7, 2021 China has expressed concern about NATO’s assertions about an alleged nuclear threat from Beijing, stressing that the country is not involved in any arms race and its nuclear activities are for national security purposes. “China is gravely concerned about and firmly opposes the ‘China nuclear threat theory’ NATO has […]

Moscow bothered by ‘uncontrolled, unrestricted expansion’ of US military biolab network near Russia

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 06.09.2021 A Ukrainian lawmaker blew the lid off how many US military biological experiments took place in Ukraine last year, pointing to repeated outbreaks of otherwise inexplicable dangerous diseases in the country since the labs were opened. Similar facilities operate in other countries near Russia, including Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan […]

Arctic has enough reserves to supply Russia for centuries – Russian official

RT | September 5, 2021 Russia will step up development of oil and gas reserves in the Arctic, which are sufficient to last the country centuries, according to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. “The potential of the Arctic zone is huge. Speaking about offshore resources only, those are 15 billion tons of oil and around […]