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Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | September 9, 2021 The battle lines over mandatory COVID-19 vaccines are now going full steam ahead in the U.S. as the Biden Administration is announcing today that all federal employees must now get a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment, and that they are eliminating the […]

Sweden 1. Faith 0

As the UK prepares to convert 12 year old children into human shields for teachers and geriatrics, Swedes enjoy a coffee together in the sun. By Richard Lyon | September 4, 2021 HERE’S AN ASTONISHING THING about Sweden: you can hardly tell, from looking at its government’s population statistics,1 that it has COVID-19. It’s astonishing because […]

Iran underlines importance of US and Israeli nuclear disarmament

Press TV – September 8, 2021 Remarking on the occasion of on the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Iran’s UN envoy underlines the need for the disarmament of the world’s nuclear weapon possessors, most importantly the US and Israel. Majid Takht Ravanchi, who was addressing a United Nations General Assembly meeting held to mark the […]

Bill Gates finally realises that lockdown hurts children

By Toby Green | Unherd | September 8, 2021 This week The Guardian featured two articles funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) as part of its sponsorship of the paper’s Global Development coverage. One noted on Monday that hundreds of millions of children had fallen behind across the world during the last 18 months, and the other stated that […]

Will Fauci Be Held Accountable for Lying to Congress?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 9, 2021 In an August 31, 2021, substack article,1 Paul Thacker, an investigative reporter and former investigator with the U.S. Senate, reviews evidence he claims shows Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress, an offense punishable by up to five years in prison, provided the false statements are materially relevant and […]

School Jabs are an Illegal Act of State Coercion, Despotic Quackery

By Tom Penn | TCW Defending Freedom | September 9, 2021 THE UK’s four chief medical officers seem likely to override the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation not to vaccinate under-16s – simultaneously rejecting Public Health England’s stance that ‘children under 16, even if they are clinically extremely vulnerable, are at low risk of […]

New Israeli Film Paints Sympathetic Picture of Jewish Terrorists Who Tried to Murder Millions

By Eric Striker | National Justice | September 8, 2021 An upcoming Israeli film that sympathetically portrays a group of Jewish terrorists who attempted to murder millions of German civilians by poisoning their water supply is enjoying uncritical publicity in Zionist media. The film, “Plan A,” is based on a true story that director Yoav Paz extensively […]

‘They attacked us & killed our children’: Grieving Afghan fathers demand fair investigation of US drone strike

View at Bitchute RT | September 8, 2021 While it won’t bring back their children, a fair investigation would at least restore their honor, two Afghan fathers from a family of which 10 of members were killed in a US drone strike in Kabul have told RT. President Joe Biden urged the US military commanders […]

Facebook pays contractors to read your ‘encrypted’ WhatsApp messages, shares info with prosecutors

RT | September 8, 2021 When Facebook acquired WhatsApp, it promised to respect the privacy of its users. That hasn’t been the case, and the firm now employs thousands of staff to read supposedly-encrypted chats. Social media behemoth Facebook acquired WhatsApp in 2014, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg promising to keep the stripped-down, ad-free messaging app “exactly […]