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A Legacy of Corruption in the FDA and Big Pharma

By Liam Cosgrove | Mises Wire | September 11, 2021 Our healthcare system is broken, a fact nobody would have disputed in precovid days. Regulatory capture is a reality, and the pharmaceutical industry is fraught with examples. Yet we trusted private-public partnerships to find an optimal solution to a global pandemic, assuming a crisis would […]

COVID-19 and ‘Politician’s Logic’

By Noah Carl | The Daily Sceptic | September 13, 2021 Freddie Sayers, the host of UnHerd’s ‘Lockdown TV’, has written an interesting piece for The Telegraph. Commenting on the Government’s insistence that we must vaccinate 12–15 year olds – in defiance of its own expert panel – he notes that a “dangerous new wisdom is forming, which views action as always […]

Current Curcumin Studies

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 13, 2021 Curcumin is the major biologically active polyphenolic compound of turmeric and gives the spice its yellow color. Recent research shows the biological activity of curcumin reduces the severity of COVID-19. The results rank curcumin in the top five substances of 25 tested when used early to reduce […]

US military contractor claims legal immunity in Iraq’s Abu Gharib torture case

Press TV – September 12, 2021 A US military contractor being sued for its involvement in the brutal torture of Iraqi inmates at the country’s Abu Ghraib prison during the US-led invasion of the nation has argued that recent Supreme Court cases make clear it cannot be held liable for misconduct that occurred overseas. The […]

Pinochet’s Caravan of Death and Its Significance for Chilean Memory

By Ramona Wadi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 12, 2021 Chile’s September 11, in 1973, brought a brutal end to Salvador Allende’s socialist rule. In its wake, violence permeated Chilean society, through the U.S.-backed military coup which was to provide gruesome inspiration for the later regional systematic surveillance and elimination of socialists and communists […]

Japanese scientists show the “Mu” Covid variant defeats vaccine immunity. WHY do they want to vaccinate us so badly?

By Meryl Nass, MD | September 12, 2021 Here is the preprint: Ineffective neutralization of the SARS-CoV-2 Mu variant by convalescent and vaccine sera Here is how I know the forced vaccination program is not intended to protect me and others from Covid but has some other, unspoken purpose(s): 1. People with pre-existing immunity are being […]

Studies Reveal That Mask Wearing Is Dumbing You Down!

By John O’Sullivan | Principia Scientific | September 12, 2021 A review of peer-reviewed studies suggests regular COVID 19 mask wearing increases risk of mental retardation. Studies affirm what independent medical doctors are increasingly saying – mask wearing mandates are not only unscientific, but contrary to good health and can be deadly! Below, we show […]