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Constitution Day 2021: It’s Time to Make America Free Again

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | September 17, 2021 The Constitution of the United States represents the classic solution to one of humankind’s greatest political problems: that is, how does a small group of states combine into a strong union without the states losing their individual powers and surrendering their […]

Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not ‘What Happened?’ but ‘Who Did It?’

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 16, 2021 The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 last Saturday has raised many of the usual issues about what actually happened on that day. Were hijacked airliners actually crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or was the damage in New […]

An Evil Rationalization on Afghanistan

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | September 15, 2021 One of the arguments that interventionists, including many U.S. military veterans, use to rationalize the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan is that U.S. forces were fighting to bring “freedom, democracy, and women’s rights” to the country. In fact, the Pentagon even coined the term “Operation Enduring […]

Lone MP puts his head above the parapet for vaccine victims

By Sally Beck | TCW  Defending Freedom | September 14, 2021 FINALLY, an MP has challenged the government on the horrific levels of Covid vaccine damage recorded under the Yellow Card Scheme run by our watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It currently shows 1,632 deaths and 360,000 injuries since December 1, 2020, far […]

You’re liable for vaccine harm, Euro MPs are warned

TCW Defending Freedom – September 14, 2021 DOCTORS yesterday warned Euro MPs that they will be held personally responsible for harm and death caused by Covid vaccines. Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group of doctors and scientists from 30 countries, sent letters to all European Parliament members giving notice of liability. They sent the same […]