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‘Israel and the Zionist enterprise were born in sin’, says heir to an iconic Zionist family

Yaakov Sharett MEMO | September 20, 2021 In a remarkable political conversion, Yaakov Sharett, the heir to an iconic Zionist family and son of Israel’s second Prime Minister, Moshe Sharett, has turned his back on the founding ideology of the occupation state. “The State of Israel and the Zionist enterprise were born in sin,” said […]

Pediatricians Remove Info on Mask Risks, Dangers for Kids

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 20, 2021 Throughout 2020 and 2021, ever since the declared COVID-19 pandemic, government officials consistently have been inconsistent in their assessments and recommendations for public health. In August 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) joined the ranks when they endorsed the CDC’s recommendation for masking.1 Since they did […]

APOE-4: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s

By Dr. Stephanie Seneff | December 15, 2009 Abstract Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease whose incidence is clearly on the rise in America. Fortunately, a significant number of research dollars are currently being spent to try to understand what causes Alzheimer’s. ApoE-4, a particular allele of the apolipoprotein apoE, is a known risk factor. Since […]

Elderly Australian woman knocked down & Pepper-Sprayed by police during protest against lockdowns

RT | September 19, 2021 An elderly woman believed to be in her 70s was attacked by Melbourne police and pepper-sprayed while she was on the ground during a protest against Covid-19 lockdowns on Saturday. As she held an Australian flag and stood on the road facing toward a group of approaching police, one officer […]

‘Are you undercover?’ Riot cops at Justice for J6 rally detain masked man with a GUN… and a badge

RT | September 19, 2021 Among just four people detained during the remarkably nonviolent Justice for J6 rally in Washington, DC, was an armed man who flashed a badge, raising speculations that he was an ‘undercover fed’ accidentally outed by colleagues. Despite weeks of constant media reports fueling fears of imminent violence, the Saturday protest […]

Reflections on the 39th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre

Memorial posters in the Sabra and Shatila massacre graveyard [Ferdous Al-Audhali/Middle East Monitor] Dr Swee Chai Ang | MEMO | September 18, 2021 The steadfastness and courage of Sabra and Shatila are in all of our hearts. Today, we commemorate the cruel injustice inflicted on the Palestinians in the massacre of 1982, knowing that this […]